Hi Marlene -

I am so sorry to hear your situation with Digby. I know what you mean. With my kitties, there's a point at which I find I'm not comfortable putting stress on them with "forcing" food, meds, on them. With my Calawalla, I regret taking her to the emergency vet - he did all these unnecessary tests - wish I'd just kept her home, given her fluids occasionally, and let her lie down and be peaceful.

Someone else may know - but seems like Doxy may be more irritating to the stomach than some of the other antibiotics. Also, you might try chicken or turkey baby food, and see if Digby accepts that.

Only suggestions, I know how much you care and hope you find the right things to do - and many good suggestions from those on this list.

Best of luck,


At 09:59 PM 5/21/2005, you wrote:
Hi Group,

Can't think too clearly at the moment, but I think we're going to lose Digby. Having to syringe feed him now and give Doxycycline. Blood work (according to the vet lab) seems to be indicating something going on in the bone marrow, may/may not be Hemobart. They also say there's a secondary infection but no indication as to where/what it is (at this point). Our vet clinic ran a urine sample today but it was O.K., so not a kidney/bladder infection. We've been told it could be anything from an abscess somewhere to a tumour, to I really can't remember what all. Vet today (not his regular vet) said that if he won't eat, they could put a feeding tube in his mouth (doesn't require anesthetic) and get food in. We're trying our very best to syringe feed him A/D, but it sometimes upsets me to see him stressed when I do it. Also syringing some water into him. He can still get around (to litter box), but other than that, he just prefers to be by himself (in his "safe place"). My husband and I find ourselves thinking - are we doing the right/best thing for him already at this point? When is enough enough, and will we know it? We knew when enough was enough last year with our "Casper" (CRF), but FelV is a whole new thing for us, and I guess we're already beating ourselves up over it wondering if we missed something, weren't observant enough, or what? Sorry to "babble" but this is already starting to take a toll on my husband and I. Just needed to talk about it.


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