You are right Barbara, this is importnat too.

Some of them are just trying to make money. There is one in Toledo that attracts people by the low call fee- 7.50 $ and then is quickly examining the pet and prescribing medications. He just did't pay attention I was there with Jersey (the exam probably was 3-4 min).

Good idea


>From: Barbara Lowe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: suggestion
>Date: Sun, 05 Jun 2005 16:13:07 -0400
>I might also suggest -how to put this?--a warning about vets who claim to be alternative medical vets/holistic etc.....there's a vet operating out of the Animal Wellness center here on Long Island who is not very good -in fact, was brought to the area by a pet store around the corner from him to administer to all the sickly puppies they sell from puppy mills. Before I realized this guy's scam,  I once tried to tell a young couple in his waiting room who had just bought a puppy that their new purchase had kennel cough and mange!  the receptionist started shaking her head at me and went to talk to the vet. when it was my turn to go into waitiing room with a sick kitty, he proceeded to lecture me on how "we" are not there to lecture people on their choices of pets but to help cure them. I argued that they had just bought the darn thing and should go get another. he did proscribe all sorts of holistic meds for a felv+ kitten I had but did not explain the proper way to administer them -that I later learned from reading on holisticat site---and pushed a raw diet but not a word about proper & necessary supplements. after three different visits and witnessing many other such incidents with the puppies from the pet store, i realized this was not a good vet. sure  his office bulletin board has glowing testimonials from some patients however the whole picture just did not add up.
>   ----- Original Message -----
>   From: Barb Moermond
>   To:
>   Sent: Saturday, June 04, 2005 12:10 AM
>   Subject: Re: suggestion
>   This is a link to FELV/FIV friendly vets and you can add to it - you have to register, but it's free and it's on Belinda's site.  They are listed by state or all in a group.  I listed my vet clinic (Cat Care Clinic in Madison WI).
>   stany petrov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>     Hi all,
>     Thanks for your warm emails for Jersey. I am going to print all of them on one page, put it in a plastic folder and attach it on the tree next to his grave inside the forest. This will also help me to recognise the place in the winter.
>     I read the Rainbow Bridge poem that Barbara sent me and try to believe this is a true. I am also waiting for a message from Jersey about a new cat...
>     I miss him a lot. As a typical British Shorthair he used to come to the door every time I entered and I feel awful now.
>     My big lesson from that case and the last emails about Sebastian is that not all vets are experienced as I thought before. Some of them are and some are not. I don't know how many people are in the forum but hopefully we cover half of the states. We might make a list with the qualified vets for each state based on personal experience. In case somebody needs a FeLV vet the name can be pulled from the record. It is helpful because not everybody is available at anytime but the list can be online 24/7. This is just a suggestion.
>     I will stay in the forum and try to help if I can.
>     Stan
>   Barb+Smoky the House Puma+El Bandito Malito
>   "My cat the clown: paying no mind to whom he should impress. Merely living his life, doing what pleases him, and making me smile."
>   - Anonymous
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