Hi Michelle,
It is the hardest thing in the world to watch your animal having seizures....
I really think that seizure frequency shouldn't be the only factor in determining euthanasia - there are many things that can cause seizures.  My Ninja's seizures accelerated from 1 every 3 wks to 2 at 10 days and then 5 in one day a week later....  we were able to control her seizures, but if I were off even by a couple of hours in when she got her meds (twice a day) she would have a "bad patch" and go back into the seizures - 1 every couple of hours.  That only needed to happen once for me to always be on time with her meds.
Final stages of what btw?
Am sending big strong health vibes Bramble's way.

Thanks for the transfer factor link - I have ordered some today - desperation calls for desperate action. I have just been back to the vet with Bramble - he had another seizure about 2 hours ago - so that was 2 in about 13 hours. The vet said if he continues overnight and tomorrow with this frequencies then he is probably in the final stages and suffering from it - so will need to euthanase - I do agree with that but I have ordered the transfer factor on an overnight delivery living in hope until the end. I think deep down I know It's too late for him but I am not giving up hope until I have too - Please pray hard for Bramble.
Michelle L

Barb+Smoky the House Puma+El Bandito Malito

"My cat the clown: paying no mind to whom he should impress. Merely living his life, doing what pleases him, and making me smile."
- Anonymous

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