Well welcome—I’ll be interested in reading your posts…  Sounds like you got ‘found’ like the rest of us!  Do you have any advice about having 2 cats get along???  Of course, I have a reason for asking but bottom line is that they are the cats I’m inquiring about are the 2 most affectionate of my brood of 5 but when I brought the adult male in (after 2 years of feeding outside), my then 4+ year old female was fine with him for a couple of weeks (after slow intros) but then suddenly turned on him.  She attacks him when she spots him & being the big wimp he is, he runs away (though he did bite her when she managed to pin him down).  I do believe there are folks who somehow ‘communicate’ but I’m certainly not one of them---I just have no clue as to why she turned on him….


-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Kathleen A. Berard
Sent: Monday, June 06, 2005 2:24 PM
To: Felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: Hello from Kat in Texas!


Hello, everyone! I’m very excited to join you this week! J Thank you, Nina, for inviting me.


I live in San Antonio, Texas and am proudly owned by two Weimaraners (Max, 8yo gray, and Barney, 3yo blue), Peaches (the perpetual foster dog, a mixed breed of some sort of Pointer), and Miss Cali, the forever feral cat who loves her life of luxury indoors. I was thrown into the holistic care world 7 years ago because of Max. Weims are one of the breeds more prone to vaccine reactions. Max had numerous health problems including seizures, and was diagnosed as having rabies miasm. After 18 months of homeopathic treatment (using LM potencies because he couldn’t handle the C potencies), and being switched to a raw diet, he has recovered rather well, although he suffers from hypothyroidism that homeopathy isn’t addressing. Max has been a master teacher for me, opening my eyes to raw diets, alternative care and the dangers of vaccination.


Barney came to me off the streets as a rescue because I volunteered with Texas Weim Rescue at the time. Barney was so ill and emaciated, he almost died. He required a blood transfusion due to a heavy hookworm (and tapeworm) infestation, and then he came down with severe pneumonia. 12 days of IV fluids and everything we could think of were given to him (from homeopathy to supplements to conventional meds). He had 7 vets working on him, one from as far away as Spain (homeopathic vet). This boy had a will to live but nothing to work with, and it was touch and go for about a month. He had a very rough beginning in so many ways (you can see his story on my website, http://www.katberard.com/rescue_barney.htm). After many long months of natural care, including a raw diet, Barney is doing excellent.


Because I was fostering but had not yet decided to adopt Barney, I was required by Texas Weim Rescue to vaccinate him. Like Max, he had reactions to vaccines. So I now have exemption letters on both boys that they are not to be vaccinated again. Barney has been training with me for the past 15 months to be my Search And Rescue (SAR) canine partner, and he loves it! You’ll find that story on my site as well. He’s helping me fulfill a 10-year goal of doing SAR work. Barney has been a master teacher for me, showing me that while natural care is important, so is addressing the mind, emotions, and spirit of the animal. I utilized many different tools as well as alternative care practitioners to help him release terror at the mental, emotional, physical and spiritual levels.


Peaches is a dog who was ultimately “dumped” on me by a rescue group (long story). I wasn’t looking for a third dog. That being so, I firmly believe the animals you need (i.e., your “teachers”), and who need you, cross your paths when the time is right. And that has been the case with Peaches. She came to me with a serious incontinence problem caused by a broken tail that damaged nerves in the lumbar region which enervate the bladder. We’ve tried many different things (B vitamins, cornsilk, cranberry, you name it, and finally resorting to low doses of DES out of desperation), to no avail (was hoping for some sort of nerve stimulation/improvement). Now we’re doing LM potencies of a homeopathic remedy and there has been some improvement – it’s no longer a nightly event. She is lively, sweet, and has been teaching me about many things including love.


Miss Cali the cat was rescued by Max and I about 6 years ago. She is almost as feral now as she was then. She runs her life as she fits, and interacts with us only when she wants to. There’s no picking her up and petting her, she’ll rarely tolerate it. But she’s funny, very smart, and has taught me what being the Essence of Cat means. She definitely moves to the beat of her own drum. I have not tried to switch Miss Cali to a raw diet because she’s so very finicky; but the thought has been in my mind for a while.


So that’s my 4-legged family. I’ve had a love affair with animals since the day I arrived on this planet and found a Weim pup waiting for me J  After many years in Corporate America, I finally gave in to my heart and pursued my dream of working with animals in many different ways, and helping others find better ways of caring for and connecting with theirs. I’ve telepathically communicated with animals in one way or another since a young child. I love what I do, and am so grateful to be living my dream! J


My website is www.katberard.com. You’ll find lots of info up there about Bach flower essences, animal communication, natural care and more.


I am host of a weekly internet radio show called Animal Corner on www.healthylife.net that airs at 9am Pacific time on Thursdays. To get to my show archives, go to that site and click on “Show Archives” (located under the “Listen Live” button) and then on my name. Guests are top pet industry experts such as Dr. Richard Pitcairn, Suzanne Clothier, Michelle Bernard (raw diets for cats), Dr. Don Hamilton (homeopathy), etc.


One last thing . . . I have a free monthly email newsletter that covers animal communication, Bach essences, what the animals teach us, rescue stories, immune system support and much more. If you’re interested in subscribing, please send me a private email at [EMAIL PROTECTED] with your first and last name.


I look forward to your questions and sharing information with each other!






Kathleen A. Berard, Animal Communicator, Bach Flower Essences Practitioner and Holistic Care Consultant





"If you don't know what your passion is, realize that one reason for your existence on Earth is to find it."  Oprah




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