It's Wednesday, so this has probably already been taken care of, but just in case........  I agree to wait to see a vet.  Even if you bathe her I doubt you can hold her still to shave her safely.  You have to 'know' how to do that and have one of those dog/cat shaver things to do it safely at all.  Even groomers cut animals.  And unless you have a groomer you know and really trust......... in general I don't trust groomers.  I would call around and get a vet to do it. That way he can sedate her if necessary and give her an overall lookover even if you can't afford to do shots or anything like that yet.  Then maybe find her a basket or a box and put a fluffy something in it for her to lay in because she won't have her hair.  :(
What mean people!  She is lucky they left her with you.

Thanks, I want use the valium she's been through to much to take any chances. I'll try the Vet tomorrow. Maybe he can sedate her safely. She bit really hard when I first tried to pick her up. She has back claws and really knows how to use them. I guess she had to learn to defend her self outdoors. Her name is Muffie but I think I'll change it.  She's gorgeous I wish I knew how to post a picture of her. I can't understand how someone could just walk away from there pet.                     



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