i have to say that it almost looked like an abandoned property--like
things were left that way when they moved out..... a lot of folks
don't clean up when they leave a place, and tossing old food bags and
departed cat-trees looks a lot like that before final clean-up....

no explanation i can think of for the dead critters, tho....

trashing all sanctuaries and/or shelters does NO one any good; i'll
repeat what i said about kittykind a week or so ago--we do not have
all the facts, and there are realities to running a sanctuary
environment that are beyond the experience of most cat-companions. i
also need to add here that i don't know of ONE sanctuary that hasn't
been bashed in the past by at least one person or group--and often
based on nothing more than rumors. one REALLY does need to know the
agenda of the folks doing the bashing sometimes....

my biggest concern is that what she wrote to jenn and what's in the
article about there not being FeLVs is absolutely untrue. there may
not be any NOW, but i know of many groups and individuals who took
FeLVs there when no one was accepting them. i do know of ONE person
(possibly a second, even--have to check on that one)--who WAS allowed
inside the house (which was only one of her facilities,
SUPPOSEDLY)--my friend was bringing a FeLV to her from a long
distance, and at the point there was a separate room inside the house
for FeLVs.

bottom-line, unfortunately, is that until and unless more people are
willing to step up and help these undesirables, this is gonna keep
happening. HELP OUT--volunteer your time, your extra room, your money,
your fund-raising skills; educate rescues and shelters about FeLV and

a really hard question to answer: should all these FeLVs have been
autormatically euthanized? is living longer and enjoying the sunshine
for a few months what the cat would choose even if the conditions
aren't optimum? i don't know.....


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