Ah Kristi, I'm sorry your new baby is sick. They're so tiny and vulnerable at that age, I can see why your so concerned. Has the vet ruled out obvious diarrhea causes, like coccidia and giardia? Was she put on Albon? You must have been out of your mind when her fever spiked to almost 106! I have a feeling sleeping with you helped as much as the ice pack. I'm sorry I can't tell you when a fever does irreparable damage. I'm glad to hear it's coming down. Could it be that she's actually fighting the FelV virus itself? Do you know her mother's status?
I'm praying for your little angel, please let us know what's going on,


Hello all- sorry I been inactive lately just a reader I guess you would call me 

I have a slightly urgent question...I just adopted a 6-7week old felv pos 
kitten, and of course she came with a fever.  It was 104.0 the night I brought 
her home.  I don't know if you'all remember that I work at a vet so thankfully 
I was able to start her on SQ fluids right away, the doc told me to hold of on 
antibiotics because she has diarrhea.  This was Tuesday night.  Well by 
Thursday her fever had not broken and I brought her to work with me, the doc 
then started her on amoxicillin and meloxicam (an anti-inflammatory and fever 
reducer), her temp still has not broken and at 4 am (last night) she spiked to 
I could not give her any further meds because she had them at 11pm. I put her to bed on a soft ice pack and slept with her the rest of the night. This AM she is down to 103.2, better but still too scary for me. Obviously she has something else going on besides just a fever. I have a call in to my doc (again thank god I work there because its Sunday!) In the meantime I was just wondering if anyone has any ideas...experience with this type of fever...tips...anything? Also, at what temperature does there body "shut down" ? I can't find any reference to when a high temp would be critical anywhere. Oh yeah she is eating and drinking on her own, and she has NO other signs of illness. Thank you so much in advance for anything anybody can offer,

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