Hey out there I need some sugeestions/feedback about
Misha and what we should do with her.

Misha is six years old and tested pos for FeLV. We have
had her for almost 6 1/2 years. She is in good health
and none of the other cats (all share the same wate
dish) have FeLV. Misha's FeLV shows up, according to
her vet by attacking her intestines. She has chronic
bouts of what we call drippy butt. She leaves little
presents aorund the house. She has been on various
medications and recently the vet suggested Kaopectate
or Pepto Bismo, which made her problem worse.(gave her
pain and lots of diahreha) I have read aobut
medications to treat FeLV, none of which cure it just
maybe ease the symptoms. Does anyone else have a cat
with this type of FeLv and if so what do you do? Also
give me some feedback. We live in Gainesville, Fl and
my husband and I are expecting our first child in the
end of July. We have considred putting Misha down but
she seems to have so much playfullness and affection
(most of the time) that we really hate to. Money is a
problem and we are both nervous about exposing a baby
to her. Thanks for the help! Melody

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