Michelle – I am so happy and proud of Bramble – that’s our boy!!!!!!!!!!!  I will continue to pray that he will continue to get better-


Also, thank you for asking George – regardless of what shows on his blood work about his liver – I think he is doing really good – he always finished the food (not right away, but he eats a bit by a bit – but he eats them all before the next meal time!)’


I gave him some stake last night in addition to chicken and he licked the plate!! I am trying to have him get used to be a little by little, by putting my finger close to him – he is so cute – he must be getting used to me a little- he used to hiss 100% of the time when I put my finger, now he will try to hiss, then he stops and he sniffs my finger – he is such a good boy, I hope that his liver will get some rest, and that he will only get better!!!!!!!!!!!




Sent: Thursday, June 23, 2005 3:00 AM
To: Felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: Flavia, George and Bramble


I hope Flavia and George are doing ok - I will keep praying for them. Jenn how is bones doing - hope he is ok too?


As for my furboy - Bramble ate nearly a full pouch of whiskers cat food this morning along with 3 slices of chicken and I was so proud of him - he even came out and ate the cat food out of his own bowl on the floor besides Minstrel and Buddy. I still had to hand the chicken but he deserved that treat. He has not been eating from his bowl on the floor for a week or so now so this was a great sight to see - I have been picking him up and putting him the sofa next to me to feed him but he fed himself almost like normal this morning. He is urinating and drinking more so I was a little concerned about his kidneys but saying that it has been hot and he hasn't had much wet food which will make him need to drink more and his tablets often make cats pee more so I'm hoping. More blood tests I feel at this delicate time would be too stressful for him - I think it's important he starts to feel comfortable and safe. He had a long purr when I was petting after his breakfast - bless him.


Michelle, Bramble, Minstrel & Buddy

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