I had no idea about the shortage. Thanks for that, Michelle, and for the suggestions. Kerry
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, June 26, 2005 1:50 PM
Subject: Re: question re clinics' ability to meet emergency needs

   Apparently there is a shortage of cat blood across the country. I found this out when Simon needed 3 transfusions. Most large clinics and emergency clinics that are good do keep a small amount on hand for emergencies, but if they get a few who need transfusions in a short period of time they run out.  I don't think that most small clinics keep it onhand.  There are blood banks, and vet school hospitals tend to have it more than others.  I think you should ask your emergency hospital where it gets its blood from normally-- from donor cats that go in there, or from a blood bank? If from a blood bank, contact the bank directly and find out 1) how much of a supply they keep; 2) how long it would take to get the blood to your emergency vet in an emergency; and 3) if they know which clinics in your area or state tend to keep more blood on hand.  You could also call around to other emergency vet places and see which ones keep blood onhand. A while ago, someone posted some blood banks to this list as well, but if they are not in your immediate area and the blood needs to be shipped, then that is not very helpful in an emergency.

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