Good Lord MaryChristine! 
I admire you for wanting to do what's best for all of them, esp. the possible Felv+ ones...and I know many of you have your pos. & neg. mixed.....but since you won't (I'm assuming) be keeping all of these cats and kittens...(personally) I don't think its a good idea to risk the majority for the minority.  The others will be hard enough to place without having to tell prospective adopters that they were exposed to possible Felv+ cats, when MOST people don't understand that it is treatable.  The fact is, it isn't curiable and you risk having to place twenty-something Felv+ kittens (who many, if contracting the virius in infancy, don't live but a few years) instead of having to place just 2 POSSIBLE Felv+ kittens, and twenty some healthy ones.
Personally, I'd keep trying to bottle feed the two.  Try different nipples....hold them against your chest as you are feeding....humm while'll sound a bit like purring to them.  Keep the two together and within earshot of the others...If they are meant to live...they will.
But, of course, its your choice, as they are all now your responsibility.  Good Luck, God Bless.

TenHouseCats <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
okay, group, need opinions here.

i currently am the estrogen zone for my part of the state--turned my
front room (formerly cat-free space, for doing crafts) into a nursery.
four condo cages, one floor-to-ceiling cat tree, scratching posts,
lots of toys, etc. 3 big windows, a/c, their own bathroom (well, their
own close-by water supply, at least!).

i currently have four nursing moms, and 24 kittens. (21 biological
kittens and 3 orphans....). all the moms are negative, so i'm assuming
the kittens are as well.

i've been asked to take in 2 two-week-old orphans. i'm wondering how
everyone defines, "PROLONGED, PERSISTENT CONTACT"--ie, do you think
that nursing for another couple of weeks would be enough to pass the
virus? i WILL test the kittens if i get them, but they're so young i'm
not sure i'll trust the results.....). or should i just bottle-feed
them and keep them separated? (just heard from the woman who has them,
and they're not doing a bottle very well--a momcat and sibkits to
cuddle with might be much better for them, but of course i don't want
to harm the other kittens....)

thoughts, please!!!!!


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