That's really good.  When Simon needed transfusions due to his lymphoma, before the chemo kicked in, the transfusions would raise his count only by 2 points or so and the effect would only last about 4 days. He got 3 transfusions over an 8 day period and I don't think his count ever went above 15 during that time. Then the chemo kicked in and it went all the way back up to 33. But the transfusions, while making him feel better and keeping him alive long enough for the chemo to work, were not having the effect they are having on Flavia. So that is good for her that she is maintaining.  The fear I have for Flavia is about Brissle, Kyle's cat, who they think had leukemia the cancer in her bone marrow, if you remember, and she maintained for a month on her first transfusions (and I-R and VO) and then started going downhill.  There were things in her blood work that made them think she had leukemia (I think having to do with the lympocyte count?).  Do you know if that count has been looked at on Flavia?
If they are willing to do another transfusion (many places won't until the count goes down to 13, due to possible reaction and shortage of blood) and you can afford it, I would consider doing another one before you leave as a precaution to try to prop her up while you are gone. However, they probably would not want to do a transfusion and start the I-R at the same time, because a cat can have a reaction to either so you don't want to do both at the same time, I would think. Also, since Flavia is half-feral, maybe the stress of a transfusion for her at this point would make it not worth it. The I-R literally takes a minute or so to administer, including putting the turniquet on, while a transfusion takes hours. 

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