All I can say is - this is true love - for good times and bad times, we
love them no matter what -- right?

This morning, I just washed the cushion cover in the living room - as
soon as the fresh cover was put on, my dog, Corky running so happily and
jump on the cushion and peed on it - instead of yelling, I just had to
laugh as it was so pathetic. if you know what I mean.. I am like.. why
bother yelling...

Just as FYI - we have two dogs (Corky and Oreo) also poops on the rugs
in the house - I have learned to become patient over the years...

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Nina
Sent: Friday, July 01, 2005 9:19 PM
Subject: Re: OT - 2 things

Not that I'm looking for pity, but...   When my poor Gypsy was at her 
worst with IBD, she was constantly leaking just that!  I kept thinking 
that for the sake of everyone else in the household I should confine 
her, but she would freak out when shut away from everyone else.  So, 
instead, I spent a great deal of time following her around on my hands 
and knees cleaning up after her.  I had towels and throws over almost 
every stick of furniture.  What a nightmare!  Thank God that's over

Del Daniels wrote:

> Yes ... last year the vet suggested we take Antonio off the Prozac and

> I had thought about it but the night before when I was getting into 
> bed, my pillow had been zapped.  Now we keep Antonio confined to the 
> large family room and enclosed back porch.  There is a screen door 
> between the family room and dining room.  Even though there are others

> peeing around, he goes full blast when he gets into the main house.  
> Knowing there are others dealing with these situations helps keep me 
> sane while being sorry you have the problems, too.  I continually 
> remind myself to be grateful this is not POOP all over. 
> Del

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