Thank you, I did see all that, I also called my vet that is coming by next week and she said to use hydrocortisone 2x a day and that will help also.
Thanks again to usual you guys are life savers

Mari Kolbe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 7/11/05, Cherie A Gabbert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
What is a rodent ulcer?
Type in rodent ulcer and you will get many hits.  Here is one with pictures (be forewarned - some are graphically descriptive) .
Cause is not truly known, but suspected to be allergic reation to food, especially fleas and environmental.  Having had several over the years with rodent ulcers I am beginning to think that they are somewhat like feline herpes - some have a body chemistry that seems to be more susceptible.  We had one cat who got one and that was the only one he ever had.  We had another that I treated for rodent ulcers every few months all his life.  (They are not contageous to other cats, humans, dogs, etc.).
While I hated to use steroids, we initially did.  The first vet prescribed ovaban which worked, but I later found out was not good because long term use could cause diabetes.  Later on he started getting the depomedrol shots.  They worked okay, but the ovaban actually healed the first ones faster.
When it became evident that he was going to be chronic, we "tried" to put him on high quality diet - most of which he wouldn't touch.  We then resorted to a supplement/vitamin "cocktail" that as long as it was put in "cr**" food he would eat with relish.  The vitamin/supplement regime actually bought us much more time between re-occurences.
/mari (SpiritCat)
Until there are none, adopt one.
SpiritCat and the Mooseheart Mumpkees
of southeastern Texas

Have a purrfect day

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