"Innova I unfortunately know only too well. It was available at the
vet clinic where I worked until 50% (I am not exaggerating) of the
male cats came down with FLUTD on it. The rosemary is a no-no for
the gut - kills the bacteria - but worse still, the vegetables make
the urine alkaline, predisposing stones and blockage.
I wonder, is she talking about the regular Innova brands or the new one by Innova called Evo?  I was seriously considering that one as it sounded pretty good.  Now I am going to have to do some more research on it because I already have three males with urinary problems.  And the information about rosemary now concerns me also.  Have heard that the beet pulp that is becoming very popular in cat food is also not as good for them as the manufacturers are trying to get us to believe.
I sure wish that local pet stores would start realizing there are many of us out there trying to feed our cats a good diet and would start stocking foods like felidae, wellness, etc.  By the time those of us in the south and west have paid shipping on these foods from petfooddirect, we end up paying $40.00 or more for a large bag of quality food. 
/mari (SpiritCat)
Until there are none, adopt one.
SpiritCat and the Mooseheart Mumpkees
of southeastern Texas

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