Ah Sheila, I'm so sick about your boys. I know that you know that NONE of this is your fault in ANY way. I'm praying that Buck decides to stay for you, but you also know that if he doesn't, it's no reflection on you, or the loving home he has with you. The call of his brother and the lure of the blissful freedom the other side offers, may be too much for him to resist. I'm so sorry Sheila. I can't even think of any words of comfort at a time like this. Please know that my thoughts and prayers are with you and your whole family.
Much love and heartache,


Hi Guys, I hope you all will pray for my boy Buck who is at the Vets tonight in critical condition. Buck is brother to Spanky who I lost suddenly last week. He is suffering from another blockage and this time the Doctor doesn't give much hope for recovery. Buck and Spanky were both felv + since kittens, but you would never know it to look at them. He is a 20lb sweet baby. Monday he started to mope around and stopped eating. I thought he was missing his brother. They were always together playing or sleeping, just like twins one always seemed to know what the other was thinking. I didn't realize he was sick, he hid it well. The vets around here close all day Wed so I couldn't get him to a doc until this morning. So now he may die because I didn't get him to a doctor sooner. I haven't had the chance to get over losing Spanky and now I may lose him too. I think that is why I didn't spot his illness. I guess maybe he wants to be with his brother but if he leaves me it will break my heart. Thanks for listening and please send good thoughts his way. Sheila

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