No it is not wrong Adri, is a part of your life now and forever...cry and embrass your thought and feelings....Adri was not "just a cat" Adri was an extension of your being.

Martha Alejandra Moreno <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Thank you.  Since I am new in town I do know many people here.  Your words and support mean a lot for me.

I have been thinking very "weir" things:  Do you think animals have soul? do they move to another place? how we know if they don't just disappear?

You know? I could help notice that I never have cry for the people that have die in other countries in the war,  starving in Africa, accidents,  etc....  I mean I feel very sorry and I think it is awfull; but I never have cryed for them as I have cried for Adri.  Adri is just a cat.  Is it wrong?


>Subject: Re: Adri is dead
>Date: Sat, 23 Jul 2005 02:53:51 EDT
>I am so sorry I know exactly how you feel. I am going through the same thing
>with my Buck, but he is still holding on. I think he really wants to go be
>with his brother. Give Chema
>lots of love. I'll be praying for you.

Have a purrfect day

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