Thanks so much for the replies..
Bandy seems to be doing ok right now and maybe the infection is finally clearing up..I hope..
He is eating and drinking good...He will even play some now...
Here are some of the blood test results as of last Sat.:  PCV 26 up from 21
Total Protein is staying between 6 and 7.. the RBC is up to 4.22 now and it had been lower..
Please let me know if I can list any other results that might give you an idea about him.
His K and Na were both low but I am he is getting some K suppliments, too..
My vet has us on interferon every other day now for the next 3 wks...I have read that most keep their kitties on it daily..any suggestion on this would be appreciated, too..
He is living with 3 other cats as I have no way to separate them, but they are neg for FIV and one is FeLV + so I am going to give him  interferon, too..He is healthy now and shows no signs of any illness...They are all on vitamins and a highly nutritional diet. The 2 older ones eat K/D as a preventitive mixed with Natures best.
Thanks again and any additional information is appreciated...
Kerry and Bandy  and his buddies  Lil Rascal, Buster and Whitey...

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