I don't remember if I mentioned this or not but Dixie Louise's alternative
vet likes to use Fast Track for cats instead of the acidophilus because it
is a more balanced probiotic.

Good luck.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Nina" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "kerry" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; <felvtalk@felineleukemia.org>
Sent: Saturday, July 30, 2005 12:16 AM
Subject: Re: Bandy update

> kerry wrote:
> Nina,
> I am getting the daily digest...I didn't know for sure if I was to start
> a new topic or how to go about posting for sure about Bandy.  I am new
> to this..
> I haven't given him the formula that I sent you only the acidophilus in
> his food today.. I thought about it first and thought he might not need
> that..I do give him bioplasma in his food, too..(all the tissue salts)
> I got that from the book The New Natural Cat by Anitra Frazier..I have
> used alot of things from that one over the years.
> We gave him dex 1/2cc for his fever since it is short acting and it
> reduces it..I don't like to do that, but it does help..
> I will get all the update on what to do about the antibiotics Sat.
> morning as he has blood work done then..
> He seems very good today. Like I said earlier eating and drinking very
> well and even playing with his string... If you saw him, you would never
> know that he was sick..He is not a big kitty only weighing about 71/2
> and he lost down to 51/2#.  He is back up to 6.6# as of last Tues..so I
> thought that was great too..
> I really would love to know the remedy for the fever, too..I would like
> to try that too..I can usually tell by how he acts when he has a
> temp...I won't give him any dairy products either..I don't want him to
> get digestive upset as we haven't had any of that and don't need it.. I
> will also get right on the TF, too..
> Kerry
> Kerry,
> Did you see Michelle Lerner's reply to you?  I also sent you another
> post via the list.  I asked if his elevated temp could be due to the
> stress of his vet visits.  Are you taking his temp at home when he's
> relaxed?
> I've never heard of bioplasma.  What does your vet say about it?  A few
> of the folks on the list have mentioned "The New Natural Cat".  I really
> need to pick up a copy.  I'll try to get a hold of Hideyo this weekend
> and ask her about what she gives for fever reducing.  Also, I was just
> talking to another list member, (unfortunately, her computer is down
> right now), who mentioned something else for reducing fever, I'll call
> her too.  As far as the steroids go, you do want to use them as
> sparingly as possible, one of the side effects is weakening the immune
> system, FelV kitties already have a weakened immune system as it is!
> Not every cat reacts with stomach upset with dairy products.  Heck if
> they did it wouldn't have been such a common thing to give the kitty a
> saucer of milk!  It's a possibility, so I thought I'd mention it.  I
> usually hide stuff in baby food, (meat and broth variety only, no
> onions, no veggies).  Beechnut is better than Gerbers because it doesn't
> have cornstarch.
> Fantastic news about the weight gain and his playfulness!  Doesn't it do
> your heart good!?
> While you are going through this with Bandy I suggest you get email from
> the list sent directly to your inbox, (instead of digest).  They'll show
> up just like regular email.  That way you'll get them faster and not
> take the chance of missing something.  All you'll have to do is hit
> reply and it will be sent to the list.  Here's the link to change the
> way you receive posts:
> http://felineleukemia.org/mailman/listinfo/felvtalk_felineleukemia.org
> When you get to the "Felvtalk" page, under "Subscribing to Felvtalk",
> enter your email address, (you don't have to pick a password), and then
> make sure that the question "Would you like to receive list mail batched
> in a daily digest? is marked "No".  Then hit "Subscribe" button.  I'm
> pretty sure that will do it for you.
> When you reply, you can use the same "Subject", or if you've got
> something else that you want to talk about go ahead and change it.
> Whatever is in the Subject field is considered the "thread".  So if you
> start with "Bandy's temp is up", everyone that answers that email post,
> including you will be shown in the "thread" in archives.  When you
> change the subject to something else, let's say "Bandy is much better
> today", you've started a new "thread".  Does this make sense?  Also, we
> have another Kerry, although she's mia right now :(  so you might want
> to sign your posts with Kerry R to help us know who we're talking to.
> If you want to write someone off-list about something, the way you've
> been doing with me, you just have to copy their email address, delete
> the felvtalk@felineleukemia.org address, and paste the personal address
> in the To: field. when you reply.
> I'll send this email to the list as well as to your address.
> Nina

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