I am so sorry about your nephew's loss and of course yours.  The loss of Kurt reminds me of my Grayson who died this winter. He was my first cat and led me to the path I am following now.  He was so smart and loving. He adopted me when he was outside and wound his way into my heart and home.  He used to call me to bed and then gently lie on my head all night. In the morning, if he felt I overslept he would gently tap my face with his paw, but if I did not wake up, out came the claws (gentle but persistant).
I know the sadness one can feel when their special ones leave.  It is an aloneness which nevr seems to go completely away.  But it also leaves a tender memory which remains in your heart forever.
Take care,

maca cats <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
hi dear group,

i have been mostly lurking lately, and so sad for recent losses, yours
and mine, that I couldn't write, kind of a frozen state...

I want to send hugs for evey one of you that is struggling with disease
and of course for all of you who have lost a dear friend recently.

here it has been a hard battle too. on may 27 our lovely Riso died ater
a terrible night. He had been diagnosed with pancreatitis, which is
fatal, and given 2 months to live. he lived for 8 months of reasonable
life quality with our care, but finally his little body couldn'fight any
longer, and his last night he spent almost in comma, with an IV line at
home, at bed with us, and he died peacefully in his sleep. I could bear
it because we knes he was going to die, so we were at peace since we
gave him the best we could.

but then Kurt got sick..he was the light of my lie, 9 1/2 yo, he was the
one who made me understand cats, we communicated with each other in a
way I fear i will never be able to with any other creature. I miss him
so much. he died on july 17, and i couldn't stop holding him until we
buried him, he was cold and stiff, ... I never had so much trouble
letting go... I still feear to go to bed every night, because my
instinct is always to call him. he slept by my side, with his little paw
over my neck for years, now i misss him as if a part of my body is
gone...I know only you can understand what I am talking about...

Belinda, could you please add Riso and Kurt to the CLS? it helps to see
them remembered in some place. Also could you please add Canelo, an
adorable orange tabby who belonged to my nephews, and was killed by a
car last july 27.

thank you so much for being theer, at the end of the line.

sad Macarena and the 13 furballs.

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