Thanks for your ideas - I will store and try.
Well I panicked but the vet was fairly calm. When I put Bramble in his carry case to go vet he sulked and slammed his tail down covering his bottom - I wonder if he remembered the temperature taking last visit bless him. I told the vet what had happened so far as me ordering the interferon without waiting until today to discuss it and boy am I glad I got him on it straight away.
The evt said that it isn't common for calici to present with an ulcer on the nose and no mouth ulceration so I said it happened last time - there were no mouth ulcers but I suspect his throat is inflammed and maybe ulcerated and the he gets the one on his nose. I told him that he is desperate to eat and frantically tries but can't eat much as I thought his throat was sore and he drools a bit trying to eat. Bramble has eaten bits but not much so he hasn't totally gone without food for 2 days - I did try to force food in his mouth a couple of times and he had a little each time but I stopped when he was getting too stressed by it. The vet prodded the ulcer on his little nose and it made him flinch and bled (poor Bramble hated that). He also felt his throat which was very uncomfortable for Bramble so at least it confirmed that I was right to say it is his throat. The vet gave him a shot of anabolic steroid and we may do one shot a month. Due to Bramble being probably towards the end of the ARC stage of FIV it is worth taking the chance - it may keep him out of FAIDS a while longer. I am also discussing the interferon shots every month as a trial protocol as a couple other people have found this beneficial. Good thing is that Bramble ate about half a sachet of well mashed cat food when he came home which was a great relief - after he had only eaten about 1/8th this morning.
The vet told me to give him strong cod-liver oil and a vitamin A each day for 2 weeks and then to reduce vits and oil to every other day - he says we won't reach toxicity levels so will be ok. He said try mixing butter with food to help it slide down, chilled cream, cottage cheese, melted cheese around mashed chicked etc... I will try all that works.
Poor little boy gone through so much and yet is still desperate to try and eat something to sit on my knee and purr - is there anywhere that members upload photos too here on group site - I got a great picture of him on Sat sat on my knee lapping up the tlc.
A lady was having her 16year old dog put to sleep today at the vets and she had to lift the dog to stand it up whilst crying - when she went in - 3 of us sat in the waiting room with tears welling up - then the vet came out to get a consent form and we were all wiping tears falling from our eyes for the dog we had never seen before - amazing how much animals touch the heart.
Michelle, Bramble, Minstrel & Buddy.
PS - I'd like to add my thoughts and prayers to all of us who's furbabies are currently poorly or have recently passed over - I pray their souls are safe when I ask for my current and departed to be protected.

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