I think I should just clarify this interferon question a little. As you know the animal sanctuary that Bramble came from pay the vet bill for his FIV related problems - and that bill must be quite substantial already.
It is not that I want to use Alpha over Omega - and would be happier to continue with Omega - I asked about Alpha because the sanctuary claimed that if he did not improve significantly they would not continue paying for Omega despite my contribution to it. Therefore I was asking about Alpha as a back up plan due to hearing people talk here about how cheaply they buy it - Omega is still expensive here - it costs £340 for a course of 10 vials which he has had 2 times within the last 2 months. Secondly the vets were only prepared to follow the FIV protocol of a course of Interferon when symptoms present or every 6 months and I also wanted to try some preventative measures - this view has now changed and the vet has agreed the we are going to start doing 1 injection every 4 weeks if Bramble pulls through this current low spell - someone from the FIV group is doing this protocol with good results.
Hope this explains it better - it is purely back up information fact finding and not a preference of Alpha over Omega.
These 2 vets he sees now are really good. I wrote a letter to one explaining what had happened during the time she was on leave and thanked the two of them for working with me and trying hard for Bramble and not writing him off - she liked that and was running around trying to do anything for me and Bramble when I went in on Monday - the nurses said they've never seen her move so fast. She's grown fond of Bramble too due to the fight he has put up for us - even if he is seeing the boss vet if she sees us in the waitig room she comes over to say hello to Bramble. So nice when the vets show to really care rather than just doing their job - doesn't help Bramble though - he hates any of them as soon as they start messing with him - bless him - but I've never met a cat who likes their vet until it's time to get back in their carrier. I always find it amusing how cats really try to avoid getting in the cat carrier but then can't wait to get in it as soon as the vet lets them go.
PS - so pleased that Georgie is found.
Michelle, bramble, Minstrel & Buddy

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