Bandy has still been having some temp. problems...It was 105.8 on Monday..and once again we gave him 1/2cc dex to bring it down...He responds very rapidly to it, and seems to feel so much better...His PCV was at 30, and he now going to get animal epogen injections twice weekly for maybe just 1 or 2 more weeks...He was getting human epogen, but they have received some of the other...I am going to start him on Transfer factor stress formula..
He had also gained 3oz...and is up to 6lbs. 12.5 oz. from 51/2lbs...
I don't know what to do about the temp going up and down...We don't want to continue to use the dex as I know it isn't good for him..
We are looking into something else if the temp goes back up...
I just don't understand alot of this..
He seems to be feeling very good the last couple of days so it remains a mystery to me..
Any info you could give us would be greatly appreciated...
I hope everyone's kitties are feeling good today and on the mend...
I am so glad the little kitty Georgie was found...I know the feeling there, too...
My best to all of you and your kitties,
Kerry R. and Bandy

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