He does belong with you ALWAYS

Thankyou all for kind words over Brambles passing. I am at peace becase I know it was right for him. He told me he had had enough and I am in no doubt of that. I can't remember who it was here who suggeted communicating with your cats in that way but I thank you so much - it is the way I will go in future - it was a learning experience but so spiritual - I listened and I heard - and it was right each time. What does upset me is that Buddy and Minstrel are upset now - both are disturbed and looking around for him - especially Buddy as she looked after him and washed him - I was doing well but have just rolled around screaming in tears trying to explain to them what had happened.
What I did forget to say though in my last mail is that when I took Bramble in from the sanctuary I promised I would never let him down and that I would never dessert him (as his last 2 owners dumped him when he was sick) - I recited this promise to him today and his ashes are coming home to stay with me despite only having him for a short time- I loved him as much as I ever could and he belongs with me.

Have a purrfect day
  • Re: Thanks Cherie A Gabbert

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