Julie - hope everything turns out well for Mandy. You didn't say if she's bleeding so must not be, thankfully. But when my old sweetheart Nicky's mouth was bleeding, I gave him homeopathic Arnica and it really worked well.


At 10:23 AM 8/26/2005, you wrote:
Hi Everyone,

Wendy just called and they are sending the biopsies (5) out to a lab. She was going to try and remove the mass, but there is so much tongue involvement that she feels a veterinary oral surgeon should do it. She hoped to have some idea of what was going on, but feels that it's just impossible to tell without the biopsy results.

Mandy is coming home tonight; no worse (probably a little sore, but I'm having pain medication prescribed), but also no better. She truly does not seem to be in any pain and is eating well and bopping around like her ususal good-natured self. She'll have a smorgasbord to choose from tonight!

It will be good to have our little girl home and we'll just have to see what the tests show next week.

Thank you everyone for all your good thoughts and wishes.

Hugs and headbutts to all.

Love, Julie

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