Regarding Emmet, My guess would be that's not necessarily so (that he's dying). Could be fighting it off. They can do that. Could be fighting something else off, like a uri. Or on the other hand would be developing lymphoma. WOuld require a vet check. Might start giving him interferon Alpha, or some other immune system boosters.

Just my 2c.

in Arkansas

At 09:31 AM 8/28/2005, you wrote:
Hello everyone,
The adoptive mom's vet said Emmet's glands are swollen
and doesn't give this kitten long.  Is this
necessarily so?

Their positive mother, who is quite feral,is still
crated weeks after her spay because there is some
conflict as to what to do with her.  She was sick at
the time we trapped her, and very thin, but now she is
eating so well it's hard to look at her like she's
sick.  Her orginal caretaker doesn't want her returned
to her yard, more out of fear that the cat will get
sick again, go off somewhere and die.  The cat was not
a piece of cake to trap in the first place, and is the
most secretive of the adults in the yard, so I can see
where she's coming from.  She doesn't want her living
in a cage either...any thoughts on this?

Thank you,


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