Hi all,
I've been overwhelmed with email about hurricane relief and have been surprised to see very little about it here on the list.  Yes, I know it's not directly related.  :)
Anyway, I'm in the Atlanta area and there are many local groups and individuals collecting and sending items and going down themselves, etc....  It may be that way everywhere and I just know about what's going on here.
However if you're in the Atlanta area and want to know what's going in with relief from Georgia, or you just want to be copied in to some of the coverage about what's going on, you can email me and I'll copy you in on the emails about Katrina coverage and animal rescue efforts.
I know many of you work in rescue yourselves and are on rescue lists, but some of you are not.
Also, on another list I'm on (that several of you are on as well..... animal communication)  there is a wonderful job offer for someone working with what sounds like some sort of feral cat sanctuary/rescue/ or something like that.  Pay is listed as $20-$40K with housing included....  I can forward that info to anyone interested.
I don't know of any of our members who are in areas affected by Katrina, but if any of you are, please let us know if we can help!

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