So sorry to hear the Paulie is gone, but I am sure he is happy and playing with no pain, I am so sorry for you loss.

Julie Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Dear Friends,
Paulie slipped peacefully away a short while ago.  It was what I hoped for him.  He was quite calm and sleepy from the tranquilizer and the injection was smooth and easy.
Nina, he's surely with Grace.  
Thank you all for your thoughts and good wishes; most people don't understand why one would choose to share a home with feral cats and certainly don't understand how losing one of so many can leave the house so empty.
Love, Julie

"I hold that, the more helpless a creature, the more entitled it is
to protection by man from the cruelty of man. "

"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged
by the way its animals are treated."

Mohandas Gandhi (1869-1948)

Paws Come WITH Claws!!!

If you're thinking about de-clawing your cat, you need to re-think your decision to acquire a pet.

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