I am so sorry you are having to deal with this.  My county has an 8
animal rule.  Period.  Counties can make whatever laws they want.  Look
at all the places 'outlawing' certain breeds of dogs.  I hope you can
fight this.


--- Nina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> SOB Hideyo. Here are two links that may be able to help. 
> http://www.petwork.com/rescue_cats_nm.html
> http://www.aldf.org/
> The first is a group listing of all rescues in NM, perhaps someone at
> one of the rescues will be able to help in some way. The second link
> is 
> for animal legal defense fund. They have attorney's that may be able
> to 
> help. Sally says she's been through this too. Animal control came to
> her 
> house with a sheriff's deputy and a vet tech. She was told she had 60
> days to comply with removing any animals over the limit, but he did 
> agree that all the cats under her were healthy and happy. As the 60
> days 
> approached, Sally sent animal control an email telling them that she
> had 
> adopted out some, but needed more time. Sally also knew someone that 
> knew someone that agreed to speak on her behalf, but she doesn't know
> if 
> that was ever done. She doesn't know why they did not follow up, but 
> happily they didn't. If you know of a rescue in your area, (if not
> get 
> on the phone and get someone with clout on your side), see if they
> will 
> help you deal with this. At the very least, they may be able to help
> you 
> hide some cats for a while, until they stop coming back to check.
> When 
> you speak to them, find out if there is an online list or BB that you
> could post this emergency to. Also, how far did you get with filing
> for 
> non-profit rescue? You could at least show them the paperwork to
> prove 
> it's in progress. http://www.nolopress.com/ has the forms necessary
> and 
> a book called "How to Setup a Nonprofit" (this is from Sally, she
> thinks 
> that's what it's called). Get a copy of the animal control
> regulations 
> for your county jurisdiction to see exactly what your options are. It
> doesn't really matter what other other counties do, all they are
> going 
> to care about are the rules that apply to your area. Ask the other 
> rescue if there is somewhere in the area, maybe unincorporated, that
> you 
> would be allowed to have more animals, or a sanctuary. I would tell
> the 
> authorities that you have been looking to relocate to an area that
> you 
> would legally be allowed to have your animals. Sally is also
> suggesting 
> that if you know someone with horse stalls, you could screen in an
> empty 
> stall and keep some of your kitties there until things cool off.
> I can not imagine what you are going through right now. You must be
> sick 
> with worry. Prayers for your situation and
> Hannibal.
> Nina
> <http://www.petwork.com/rescue_cats_nm.html>
> Hideyo Yamamoto wrote:
> > Hi, my dear friends on the list,
> >
> > I am so sorry that I have not been posting or responding to your 
> > postings – but please know that all of your babies who are having a
> > difficult time right now are in my thoughts and prayer.
> >
> > I am facing a very difficult situation for my cats and I am trying
> to 
> > fight back and I could use your help – If you know anything about
> your 
> > city ordinance regarding having multiple animals in the residential
> > area or if you could look into it and email it to me, I would be
> very 
> > grateful. The city may try to take all my furry babies away from me
> > due to the stupid ordinance which exist right now in my city (which
> > only allow 10% of your premise size as a defined area where you can
> > have animals, then each animal (if less than 30lb) will require 75
> sq 
> > – so for example, let’s say, I have 4,000 sq in my premise, they
> only 
> > consider 400 sq as a limitation of the space where could be used
> for 
> > animal site – so if I divide 400 by 75, I could only have 4 or 5 
> > animals, which anyone can have (the number of animals one can have
> in 
> > my city without permit is 4 anyway and will become 6 with new
> ordinace 
> > this fall) – this is a stupid law, because it was originally
> written 
> > for hobby breeders where they keep animals in kennels and cages,
> and 
> > they just apply to multiple permit as well, but it does not make
> sense –
> >
> > So I am working with a city councilor to revise this information so
> > that anyone in my situation won’t have to deal with it – but I
> would 
> > like to know what other cities may have as there might be something
> > that I could learn –
> >
> > In the meantime, please pray that they all will be able to stay
> with 
> > me – as the city takes them, you know what’s going to happen – the 
> > officers already inspected my house a couple of times, and they are
> > very fine with it ---- all animals are well taken care of.. they
> have 
> > a very good life - - just the stupid ordinance.. if they don’t
> grant 
> > me a permit, I was advised to request a hearing, which I will do
> for 
> > sure.. but I am hoping that I won’t have to as I don’t want that
> much 
> > visibility in this matter.
> >
> > PS: also my Hannibal is not eating well – he is CRF kitty, and my
> vet 
> > suggest that he may have FIV due to high globulin value, but I do
> not 
> > agree – I have so many other cats with higher globulin value – but
> he 
> > is becoming anemic, I think it’s due to CRF – please send a prayer
> for 
> > Hannibal that he gets better very very soon! He is my very first
> feral 
> > boy!
> >

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