I'd take her to the vet.  Are you still giving her interferon?


At 08:44 AM 10/14/2005, you wrote:
Hello my name is Lisa Ward, I am fairly new to this club, anyway I lost a
cat due to amenia, caused by Felv, I also have another cat that has tested
positive for Felv, the vet put her on Interferon, she seemed to be doing
well up until yesterday, it seems like she  has a fur ball and can't get it
out, it seems to be affecting her breathing..Her gums are not white. I hope
that is the problem.......Any ideas.......Thank you.....Lisa Ward

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Friday, October 14, 2005 4:56 AM
To: Felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: Kittens tested positive

I am shocked they would even test at 3 weeks old to be honest. Especially
with FIV kittens can test false positive for upto a year so need testing
after 12 months and even if they are positive for FeLV or FIV it is no
reason to euthanase. Not sure if teh same time scale applies to FeLV but I'm
sure it will.

I do know that the tests for FIV detect anibodies and not the virus - the
kittens automatically get the antibodies from their mother but not
necessarily the virus. So like I said tehy could test positive for a long
time even though they may not have the virus. Time is usually around 6
months before they test negative but I've known cats to have false positives
for 12months and even upto 2 years so if they tested positive on FIV there
is every chance they may be negative.

Hope someone else can help on the FeLV knowledge about time scales before
testing can be accurate.

Michelle, Minstrel, Buddy, & Angel Bramble

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