OMG - I live in Houston area and I am just flabbergasted that this has happened to Angela and her furchild.  I am so so very sorry.  I know we have some problems with our various "humane societies" but I have never heard anything like this about the Houston Humane Society but it certainly warrants investigation.
I for one would end up with the law after me, because I don't care what disease they told me my furchild had and I would have to surrender them, would not.  I don't let vet techs/vets take my babies "to the back" unless I am going with them.  If they say no, then I take my business elsewhere.
I am so sorry this happened to you Angela.  I hope that while this was a terrible experience to lose your special baby, that it does make you all the more determined to learn about feline leukemia and FIV and to help another special needs baby that your angel will soon send your way. 

>> I had to post this because I couldn't believe what I was reading.
>> It is FIV and not FeLV but still this place is supposed to be a
>> humane
> society and they would treat FeLV in the same way. The message came
> from a
> lady on the FIV group and it really did sicken me. If anyone wants
> to post
> her with advice I'll get her email address.
>> hello,my name is angela and i am new to the group,sadly i join you
>> under
> bad cercumstances.i live in pasadena,texas and just yesterday i
> took my 6
> month old cat to the houston humane society's wellness clinic to be
> tested
> and recive his shots.they told me he tested positive for fiv and
> that it was
> highly contagous and he could not live with it.they said i had to
> sign him
> over to them to be put to sleep.i cant even begain to tell you how
> devistated i was,so reluctintly i gave him to them. later on i was
> looking
> around on the net and found out this was
>> not true at all! i even call several vets they all informed me
>> that i had
> many options other than i am even more devistated,why
> would the
> houmane society do this? they never told me i had other options,had
> they i
> never would have put him down,i am both heart broken and very mad.i am
> trying to find out what action if any i can take to make sure they
> never do
> this to another cat and person again!!!!! if you have any info or idea
> please let me know,i could really use the help and support!
>> thank you,angela

/mari (SpiritCat)
Until there are none, adopt one.
SpiritCat and the Mooseheart Mumpkees
of southeastern Texas

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