   A hematocrit of 7 is almost at the point of death and well beyond the point of maybe needing a transfusion. A transfusion may not save him at this point, but he will definitely die without one. He needs one today if you are going to try anymore therapies or he will not be strong enough to last until they work.
In a message dated 10/27/2005 1:09:39 P.M. Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Hi Belinda,

Cricket isn't feral, but he sure does act like it
sometimes.  He gets crazy if anyone tries to do
anything to him at the vet.  Since he was so anemic,
it was less stressful on him to sedate him.  I did
find a vet who will administer the ImmunoRegulin that
I bought as soon as it gets here.  I just don't know
what dosage to give him.  The vet said he would look
up the dosage, but I am a little weary about vets
anyway, and like to find the information out before I
do things so I'm not caught off guard or know if
something doesn't sound right.  I hope we have enough
time.  Cricket's labs came back with a hemocrit of 7%,
which is pretty bad, and he didn't look so well this
morning.  So I am just trying to get through the day
at work so I can get home to him.  I wish it were
Friday.  The vet didn't sound very encouraging after
looking at his labs. He also had one eye dilated this
morning so I don't know what in the world that means.
I just hope if he goes that I am home with him.  Has
anyone had a cat die of anemia at home while you were
there?  Is it painful?  I don't want to take him to
the vet if I don't have to because he hates going to
the vet.  Thanks.

Hanging on to hope-


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