I have bone meal and can try it with Lucy, though I am wary of it because her calcium levels were high two blood tests ago (but normal last blood test).  Her diarrhea started a week ago after sudden diet change and antibiotics, so it is probably different than Gypsy's problems, but maybe the bone meal would help her get over it.
In a message dated 10/31/2005 10:00:40 A.M. Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Gypsy just used the litterbox behind me in the bathroom.  I heard the
tell tale sound of diarrhea, and figured it must be bad news.  When I
went to check, there was some formed, some liquid.  It may have to do
with the bone meal, that seems to be the single variable that is making
a difference.  Of course, we both know I can be wrong!  I did remember,
just now, that the raw diet that I credit with saving Gypsy's life,
(duck muscle meat and salmon), stopped her constant "drippy faucet", but
it wasn't until I started her on barf, (grinding the duck with bones,
organ meat, and sups), that she started to have firmed stools.

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