I wrote a message here some time ago about an FeLV positive cat a friend had rescued (now called Bungle). He's been doing really well, he's had a course of feline omega interferon which appears to have helped. He's eating really well now, has put on weight and his coat is so glossy.
As recommended by several people here, he's going back for a re-test this afternoon. The blood will be sent off to Glasgow University for the test, rather than the in-house ELISA one - the vet agreed this was a sensible thing to do. Fingers crossed he's shifted the virus! He's such a happy cat, I'm so pleased the vet didn't suggest euthanasia (not that we'd have done it anyway - but it makes it easier when the vets on your side).
I'll let you know the results when they come back.
Thanks for all the encouragement.

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