Nancy, that's GREAT!  Good for you!


On Nov 6, 2005, at 5:11 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Crissy, in my opinion, Frito and Emilio should
stay in their home! I personally have 16 cats, 3
of whom are positive now and several others in
the past who have sadly lost the battle. All
share each others lives closely, and NO ONE has
ever caught this illness. Get your older cats
vaccinated; if Frito hasn't aleady caught the
virus, he very likely won't, and if he does,
well, then you have 2 cats with leukemia. I have
2 girls who came to me with it, at 9 and 4
months of age, and threw it off at 12/7 months
and are free at 13/5 years later. Never give
up!! Please reconsider letting ther babies stay.
Luv, Nancy and her MC

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