Thank you all. This is what i posted on the feline diabetes board. I have immuno regulan coming tomorrow and will donate it to the first person that I get the email from.  I wish you all the best of luck and long lives for the ones you care for.

   Max was put to sleep on my bed in my house with me holding him tonight

   Normally I named my animals based on what I think fits. Max went nameless for a long time as I got to know him from feeding him outside.  It was a last resort name as I didn't  have his personality down pat since he was a stray at the time. If I had known him better when I named him, it would have been zoid which would have been short for skitzoid. If I walked the wrong way, he would growl and  slink away but then realize it was okay so he would roll and stretch. When he saw debbie he would hiss until she talked to him, Once she spoke he melted. The eyes would go soft, the face would light up and he would go to her and try to give her a concussion with his head bumps.
  One thing Max did was wear his emotions on his face and body and you would know exactly how he felt at all times. When he wanted to  go outside, it was urgent and an emergency and he would tell you and his eyes were narrow and he would sulk. At night, all cats have to be inside the house and it took a 3 day "grounding' of Max before he dutifully learned the rules.
 If he wanted to go out late and we wouldn't let him,we counted on the zoid part. I would sit on the sofa as he was crying at the door and call him. He would come running over, strech, roll over and proceed to play with me totally forgetting that he wanted to do something else.
 Zoid wouldn't have been a fair name either. Sparkle maybe because of the sparkles that were in his eyes. Also because of the way he looked at me with such faith and trust even after having his trust and heart broken by the bastards that threw him away. He's better than me that way.
Loverboy because of the way he loved me so damm much. All I had to do was sit on the couch, lean back and offer my chest and he was up there in 2 seconds kissing my face and neck.
  I'm sorry we didn't have more time together Max. I'm sorry for the times I yelled at you. You were so young and happy.  I'm grateful for what you gave to me and taught me.  I thank you for the love you always gave me. Fly free my boy.



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