Hi Gloria,
I'm not really clear about Multiferon myself, that's why I've contacted my Internist's office to see what they have to say about it's use.  It's something that Gary has been telling us about.   Here are some pastes from the lists about it:

natural human ifn (Alfaferone) uses several human IFN-a subtypes, including IFN-a1, a2, -a8 and -a21....

It is reminiscent of some of the earlier studies on FeLV & FIV that used either a natural interferon (was then referred to as a 'Cantell' type), or a or hybrid containing IFN A/D subtypes in the late 80's, early 90's. In one of the papers I ordered (several years ago), there were 2 cats that seroconverted from both FIV & FeLV. One of the cats had nonregenerative anemia and seroconverted after 90 days of alternate-week treatment and the other had chronic nonrefractory dermatomycosis and had complete resolution of symptoms and later seroconverted to both viruses. If you do a search on "Kemron interferon", it may be of interest. PubMed's good, too.

The interferon I'm talking about is called "Multiferon" and is manufactured by Viragen in their facility in Sweden.  The distributor I found is Pharmaceutical Solutions, Inc and the contact person I was given is Craig Olson [EMAIL PROTECTED] he is the one who would help you import Multiferon for personal (on yourself) use but he says he has no information about the FDA regs for importing for use on animals.  That is all the info I have except the pricing which was $350 for a box of 5 vials with 3 million units each.  That's enough to do about 1500 cats for a year.

it is not approved here, www.viragen.com (the manufacturers site tells you where and what it is approved for.  There is a company in the US who makes another brand of natural interferon but they don't sell it at all and it is only available for clinical trials.

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