It feels like I keep going on about Calicivirus but it's not my intention - 

When I had Bramble he used to sneeze blood with calici virus. He didn't get the 
typical blisters in mouth etc... he got an ulcer on his nose and sneezed blood 
about 2 weeks before nasal discharge appeared and then got the respiratory 
signs. I kept pushing in the end to get swabs done and they were positive for 
calicivirus. Your kittie my have ulceration inside nose if not outside. Woth 
checking for calici and herpes. Scared me so much when he first sneezed blood 
as it splatters everywhere.

Unfortunatley my boy succomed to it again and again because he was at the end 
of FIV and he many other probs other than calici but the drug of choice is 
interferon and he improved for a while with that. Buddy and Minstrel carry it 
but if they show symptoms they fight it off as they are still young - both will 
need interferon at a later date though.

Michelle, Buddy, Minstrel & Angel Bramble

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