That's amazing, Carrie! I'm hoping for similar results for my kitten, now that I have some advice other than 'Put her to sleep' thanks to this wonderful group!


On 11/24/05, carrie chance <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
okay thanks to a few of your members and the hard work and knowledge
we have assumed it was toxoplasmosis and started her on the meds
AND I CANT BELEIVE WHAT IM SEEING, so hopefully with continued use she will
be on her way
THANK YOU ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!

----- Original Message -----
From: "carrie chance" < [EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, November 23, 2005 2:59 PM
Subject: Re: New Member

> Okay here are the results
> this is long and took me forever to type
> ALK    30
> ALT     50
> AST     42
> ALBUMIN        3 3
> GLOBULIN        5 2
> TOTAL BILIIRUBIN         0 1
> BUN    18
> CREATININE        0 9
> GLUCOSE    88
> CALCIUM        12.1
> PHOSPHORUS        8.0
> CHLORIDE        107
> POTASSIUM        5.8
> SODIUM        153
> A/G RATIO        06
> B/C RATIO    20 0
> NA/K RATIO        26
> WBC        15.6
> RBC        6.51
> HGB       10.2
> HCT        31.7
> MCV        49
> MCH        15.7
> MCHC        32.2
> LYMPHOCYTES        12
> MONOCYTES        6
> EOSINOPHIL        3
> AUTO PLATELET        276
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Hideyo Yamamoto" < [EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: <>
> Sent: Wednesday, November 23, 2005 11:03 AM
> Subject: RE: New Member
> You can send a blood work to Dr. Addie at University of Glasgow and they
> can do a profile test for FIP - it's the closest diagnostic tool around,
> she has dedicated her last two decades on treatment/diagnosis of FIP -
> every time, I suspect FIP on my kitties, I consider using them ---
> Again, we will see what the blood work say when you post it.
> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of carrie chance
> Sent: Tuesday, November 22, 2005 6:22 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: New Member
> I have her on pedialite, took her off antibiotics (they werent helping)
> and
> have taken her to 3 vets, one suspects FIP, the other say its not FIP,
> and the 3rd gave her the pennicilan shot that she had the reaction to. So
> no
> one knows whats wrong...its really weird
> I will let you know this blood work tomarrow I will get it. Also you
> asked about a fever, no fever, just warm
> and her tummy though it looks like an fip tummy, it is not, but it fools
> vets into thinking so, because its bloaty looking, but it has always
> looked like this, I think just a shubby baby, thats all
> ----- Original Message -----
> To: <>
> Sent: Tuesday, November 22, 2005 5:21 PM
> Subject: RE: New Member
>> Hi Carrie - Again, welcome to the list.  That really is difficult, and
>> tugs at my heart.  My Lancelot just died, and seemed like he never
>> thrived, poor baby.  When he was sick, his 3rd eyelids would come out
> . He
>> was less than a year when I got him, and maybe going on 2 when he
> died.
>> I agree with the suggestions about interferon, also might try Lysine
> for
>> the URI.  250 mg Lysine twice a day, with vitamin C mixed in.  I use
>> powder, mixed with wet food, or sometimes mix with water and use oral
>> syringe to squirt it in the mouth.
>> Sometimes the blood tests don't show much, or they don't get
> interpreted
>> fully.  For example, kitties can have kidney problems but it doesn't
> show
>> up on the blood test.
>> You might ask your vet about other kinds of antibiotics also - I've
> used
>> Zeniquin, and it's helped enormously in some cases.  Someone suggested
>> Zithromax.
>> I'd suggest being watchful when giving any drugs that kitty doesn't
> become
>> dehydrated, that plenty of water is consumed or given as sub-q fluids.
>> Someone elsewhere also mentioned blood parasites, and there's a
> test(s)
>> for that.
>> I really think about and wonder about these babies that just don't
> thrive,
>> that don't get meat on their bones, and would like to know more about
>> helping them thrive.
>> Best of luck,
>> Gloria
>> At 04:29 PM 11/22/2005, you wrote:
>>>It's on dr. addies' website, but interferon might be also depending on
>>>what the kitty has - I will be praying that your kitty would get
> better
>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>Hi, Carrie, welcome to the list, and I am so sorry that your baby
> kitty
>>>is having a difficult time.  One thing I would like to ask is that,
>>>could you post the blood work on the post?  I really would like to
> take
>>>a look at it myself and read it.  Especially TP and A/G ratio.  If TP
> is
>>>high, and A/G ration is less than 0.2 - I might want to talk to you
>>>about another viral disease.  If you haven't done already, you might
>>>want to send it to IDexx fro corona virus titer to see what it shows.
>>>Your kitty's condition reminds me of Henry so very much.  Henry died
>>>after I gave him a couple of dosages of antibiotics called Baytrill -
>>>baytril is considered to be one of the safest drug and you would never
>>>hear that a cat dies from it, but Henry unfortunately did from the
>>>reaction from it.  Not that the drug killed him directly, but somehow
>>>his immune system was already weak (he was thin, had chronic URIs,
> rough
>>>coat), and it further suppressed his immune system and killed him
> within
>>>72 hours.  They think he died of FIP which is considered to be very
>>>One thing I have to tell you is that, no matter what, please please be
>>>careful as to what drug you give to your kitty no matter what a vet
>>>says.  You have to know the risks/benefits of each drug you give to
> your
>>>kitty no matter how safe they say it is.  Otherwise you would be
> paying
>>>for it.  A human could get a serious reaction from pennicilian so I am
>>>not surprised if your kitty has it, too.
>>>Does she have a fever?  The only concern I have is that she may have
> dry
>>>form of FIP - I suggested that you also write to FIP yahoo group and
> ask
>>>for help.  They have many many educated people also who is expert in
>>>symptoms of FIP, and they can tell you also what they think.
>>>Regardless, if your kitty is eating, and you feel that she is not in
>>>pain, don't listen to your vet to put her down.  I recently had a
>>>situation where my kitty was very close to death, and did not give up
>>>and a miracle happened and he came back.  Regardless whatever she has
>>>(whether it's FIP or not).  Don't' ever give up a hope.  Everyday is a
>>>gift you have with her.  Please treasure and fight with her (looks
> like
>>>you have the attitude already - :) - at FIP yahoo list, there are
>>>hundreds of people who live with FIP cats and continue to fight with
>>>their furry babies.  And, regardless whatever it is, we are here for
>>>you.  I am hoping that it's not FIP.  But I would really like to get a
>>>copy of the blood work.  Ask your vet to fax to you.  Also if the
> blood
>>>work was sent to idexx before, they can just make a phone call to add
>>>FIP/corona virus IFA titer test so that they won't have to draw
> another
>>>sample of blood.  The meantime, I am forwarding the link to dr.
> addie's
>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of hd cc
>>>Sent: Tuesday, November 22, 2005 2:53 PM
>>>Subject: New Member
>>>I have tested my kitty and no FIV or FELV or anything like that, but I
>>>told you guys are the smartest people around when
>>>it comes to cats and kittens with problems. Heres mine!
>>>Sasha is 3 months old, she was fine, but then never really looked
> right,
>>>straggly and just not a healthy kitty, thin hair but did play and run
>>>was alot of fun. Now she has URI, which is getting better and better,
>>>since getting it she has really gone down hill, She is always warm,
> when
>>>touch her she feels warm, and now sometimes her 3rd eyelids cover her
>>>for a second or 2 and she acts like she is not there, and then comes
>>>and also her legs are giving out on her, they stiffen up and she cant
>>>and she is very twitchy, her whole body twitches/tremors, something is
>>>wrong, I did a blood panel and the vet said it was fine.
>>>a few weeks ago she was given a shot of pennicillian,. and had an
>>>reaction to it, her head swelled up and when the vet noticed it gave
> her
>>>something to counter act it, i took her in originally cause she looked
>>>sick and URI, could this shot have done it? Its almost like what ever
> is
>>>wrong its in the nervous system or in the brain. Anyone ever hear
>>>similar to this. the vet thinks in one manner to put her down, but I
>>>she is eating and she has a nice stool, just everything else is wrong.
> I
>>>love her so much, I just dont know what to do for her, she loves to
> come
>>>and we walk up one side of the house and back, and thats it she
> stiffens
>>>and goes down and cant walk anymore, i am in fear she may be in
>>>just dont know what to do for her, she loves me and she loves to
>>>eat,,,,,anyone please tell me something......
>>>----- Original Message -----
>>>To: <>
>>>Sent: Tuesday, November 22, 2005 12:31 PM
>>>Subject: Re: Welcome Rebecca
>>> > LOL, yeah ask Michelle how gross opening a cat of meat based cat
> food
>>>tuna is for
>>> > her! She's very descriptive about how much meat grosses her out.
> :-)~
>>> >
>>> > I used to be vegetarian for a while, but got lazy, and hamburg
> helper
>>>about all we
>>> > eat these days unless it come in a microwavable carton. They don't
>>>easy quick
>>> > vegetarian foods out of a box... which is too bad, because that
> makes
>>>continue to
>>> > be a meat eater. If it involves more than one pot... I'm not
> cooking
>>> >
>>> > Anyways, we're all very tolerate of the vegans here, and try to
>>> > point of view. I think you'll feel very welcomed here!
>>> >
>>> > Jenn
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > Adopt a cat from UCAT rescue:
>>> >
>>> > Adopt a FIV+ cat:
>>> >
>>> > Adopt a FELV+ cat:
>>> >
>>> > "Saving one animal won't make a difference in the world, but it
> will
>>>a world of
>>> > difference for that one animal."
>>> >

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