I thought we could all use a little warmth right

We picked up my brother and his girlfriend Jill from
the airport yesterday.  They had been in Europe.  Jill
went in early August for a semester abroad in the
Netherlands, and since the semester only lasts a few
months there, and my brother just graduated and
doesn't have a job yet, he went over to spend three
weeks traveling Europe with her.  She has a kitty that
she couldn't take with her so her mom took care of
kitty while she was gone.  Jill said that her mom told
her yesterday that her kitty somehow knows she's
coming home.  For the last two days, instead of
prowling around and doing her normal kitty things, she
has been acting strangely.  Kitty has been sitting in
a chair watching the front door, waiting for her
"guardian", and at the slightest noise, she is up and
alert.  Isn't that amazing?!

So now, animal communicators are sounding more
believable to me.  If a kitty can sense when it's
guardian is coming home, what else can they do?!!!


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