I know this is off topic too, but i have a food question which I need help with.
Ok, so I took y'all's advice and got some better food for the cats, mainly so Cotton gets the best chance at being well.  I had no idea there was super premium food for cats that was human grade, but I found Innova is sold at a grain and feed store locally.  I thought, "How lucky." 
I got Innova EVO, which it says it's for cats and kittens, so I thought everyone would like it, since the adult cats are always trying to eat Cotton's kitten chow.  Well, I guess my 4 cats can't read, because to my great dismay they don't like it
I mixed it with what they usually eat, which has been Pro Plan at the moment, and they are actually picking around the Innova.  I caught Cotton with the pantry door open, trying to eat his way through the bag of Pro Plan, because he doesn't like the Innova.  I also picked up a little sample bag of Innova for dogs.  And guess what?  They don't like it either!
Anyone else have this experience?  I am used to kind of switching around dry cat food, so it's not as if they have been eating one beloved brand of food.  My reasoning for not sticking with one brand is because if it is lacking in something, another brand rotated in the mix might make up for it, and they also get some variety.  Sometimes it's Eukanuba, sometimes, Nutros, sometimes Pro Plan, etc.  I mainly got Innova super premium because of what I read on the website.  There was a testimonial about a cat mom whose cat was getting fatter (just like my Miss), so she researched and switched to Innova, and her cat lost weight.  But so far, none of my critters like the food change,and I'm trying to go slow, and just mix in a tiny bit with their usual kibble.  Anyone have this problem with Innova specifically? Why wouldn't they like it?  Is it just that much different?  To me it smells better than the stuff they are eating now.  I'm trying to be a good cat mom, and no one with a tail seems very appreciative of my efforts!  It's much more expensive,but it would be worth it if someone at it and benefitted from it.  What to do?  What to do? 

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