Very nicely put MC. It's so very difficult to remember the big picture is not all within our focus, esp when we're hurting. Ah for the days when ignorance was Queen and I felt justified in my tantrums against the seeming injustice of it all! I still have tantrums, but now I get mad that we earthlings, (as a whole, present company excluded, of course), are so darn thick that we need lessons to knock us to the ground before we start to "get it", whatever the hell "it" happens to be at the time.

Jenn's idea for an OT group seems to be wasted on us! :)

TenHouseCats wrote:

not guilty, wendy--you were doing what needed to be done at the
moment.... if we truly believe that things happen just as they are
supposed to, then how could whatever we do be wrong? hindsight is,
really, useless--because no matter how much we may want to, we CANNOT
go back.... hindsight can be a great teacher, tho, for the next
time--just goes back to that cycle of everything is just as it's
supposed to be....

personally, i INTELLECTUALLY know that everything fits into the
tapestry, and that each thread belongs just where it is; emotionally,
i forget a lot--healing, for me, comes when i remember the whole...


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