Live simply, so others may simply live!! I love that! Yes, I believe that is something I will put somewhere where I can see it everyday.I am going to have to get creative with feeding them. Lately I have been adding in rice and pasta to help beef up their body weight. They love the wet food, but sometimes I worry that it is too rich/oily for their tender systems. I am also going to list a bunch of stuff on ebay, maybe that will help. I have to post flyers to see if people will donate food. I will print some up tomorrow, if this fever ever goes away and I begin to feel human and mobile again! LOL
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, December 02, 2005 10:27 PM
Subject: Re: NJ feral group

In a message dated 12/2/05 10:21:23 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
I am only one person without a trust fund or a rich husband! In fact my hubby kindly worked an extra day this week just for feral food.
Yeah, no trust fund or rich husband here either.  In fact, no husband, period.
Seems to me you are fortunate to have a partner willing to help (financially, anyway) take care of the ferals.
It's tough.  I spend more money feeding all the critters here, (my 4 dogs, 5 cats, PLUS 5 "foster" cats & the ferals), than I do on myself!
"Live simply, so others may simply live."
Words I do live by....

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