 I am so sorry for what you and Callie have gone through. Her 
personality sounded so much like my dilute calico Nina. She was so 
lucky to have been loved so much, understood, and cared for by you and 
Marie. I believe she is still with you and loves you very much. tell 
her everyday how much you love her.

bonnie in wi


----- Original Message -----
From: Tad Burnett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tuesday, December 6, 2005 8:27 pm
Subject: Callie...Its sad news
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org

> She was so strong and well just yesterday morning that part of me
> wanted to believe that she would bounce back but when I found her
> this morning on the floor and she did a terrible cry when I picked her
> up I knew that something was terrible wrong with her...
> The blood test showed kidney function had stopped and the vet
> said that she had so little blood in her vains that he suspected
> internal bleeding probably in the liver...
> When I brought her to the vet this morning she could barely hold
> her head up for a short time and after being at the vets all day and
> having sub Q liquid all day which is probably what kept her alive
> she was even weeker...The vet felt she was probably in pain and
> didn't think anything would bring her back so we sent her on ahead
> to the Rainbow Bridge....
> Callie was a feisty little calico...She was reported at AW to be hard
> to medicate and when she arrived here we learned that she would
> only let you touch her for a few seconds and then you better let 
> her go...
> We learned where the limits were and soon she began to trust us and
> Marie did better with some of the other AW cats than I but Callie
> definitely chose me....Now that I think of it she was never close to
> any of the other cats but she was always with me whenever I was 
> around...She new when I was putting on clothes to go outside and 
> meow and meow
> and she would be waiting at the door for me when I came back in...
> A few time that she did sneak out with me she let me catch her and if
> I would tell her NO as I when out she would sit there and wait....
> Right now she would be sleeping on top of the monitor while I am
> on the computer....She was such a good friend to me and she had
> so much personality...She had some hard times during her life but
> she was happy and loved here at the end...I only wish she could
> have stayed longer....I can't believe she is gone so soon....
> I will miss her for a long time...
> That leaves 4 of the original 6 from AW....OJ has never been a
> totally healthy kitty...He has had to stay on antibiotics for several
> bacterial types of infections and he has never played and raced around
> the way some of the others do but he has always been a big purr and
> snuggle bun....And antibiotics is easy to keep them going...Both 
> OJ and
> Fred who is my first FeLV+ kitty who gums seem to get infected when
> I take him off antibiotics...He only has a few teeth left now...I 
> have had
> Fred well over 2 years...I have had several worries over Fred and OJ
> and they are both special buddies so I can't complain ... They are
> still here....I guess this is just the way it was meant to be....
> Tad and Marie

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