Wendy, it's soooooooooooooooo exciting to hear about Stretch's progress.
I got goose bumps when I read about his progress - it made me very
happy!  Way to go, Stretch!  Please keep us posted with her progress!

Again, if you need my help on ordering the supplies, just let me know!

Thank you!



-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of wendy
Sent: Friday, January 06, 2006 8:02 AM
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: Sub-Q for Stretch & an update on her

Thank you Hideyo.  I might need your help.  I am
waiting for an email for Terrence.  He emailed me this
morning and said the Rx never came, so I called the
vet and the tech said that the doctor never keeps an
Rx pad, so he couldn't write the Rx.  All he could do
is sign off if the company faxes them the order. 
(They could have just told me that yesterday!)  So I
emailed the company back and told them that's the only
way the doc would sign off and I'm waiting to hear if
the company will fax them.  If they don't, I'll have
to cancel the order.  

On a positive note, when I got off work last night, I
took some tuna in to Stretch (and the other kitties of
course), and Stretch ate ALL that I had put on her
plate (probably a 3rd of a can), and then she went to
the food bowl, and started eating dry food!  I was so
excited.  Her labored breathing seems to be decreasing
a little each day, so maybe it's possible that she did
have pneumonia.  I don't know.  I just always
associate pneumonia with coughing and runny nose,
etc., but Stretch didn't have any of that.  So we are
very hopeful now, and happy.  Thanks to all of you
guys who prayed for Stretch to recover.  We really
appreciate it!  Maybe by Monday, we'll see a complete
turn around!


--- Hideyo Yamamoto

> Wendy, if for some reason, your vet won't do it,
> just let me know - I
> can probably order for you on line (I use a
> different company, but I
> have a prescription there already, too) and have it
> shipped to you so
> that you can get a whole case of fluid which should
> last for a long
> time...
> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
> Behalf Of wendy
> Sent: Thursday, January 05, 2006 11:33 AM
> To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> Subject: Sub-Q for Stretch
> Hi guys,
> Well, yesterday I ran into a problem trying to get
> sub-Q fluids for Stretch.  The vet I originally took
> him to charges $30/35 for a set up, which I thought
> was crazy.  So I called another vet, who said they'd
> have to talk to my vet since they hadn't seen my
> cat,
> which I didn't want in case it might tick off the
> vet,
> or they'd have to see my cat, which would mean
> another
> $30 office visit on top of paying for the fluid set
> up.  So I started looking online at the link that
> Belinda (I think) provided and found a really great
> priced company called Direct Medical, Inc.  I called
> Terrence Henry at 800-316-4993 and spoke to him.  He
> was VERY nice and helped me with all my questions. 
> He
> directed me to their website: http://www.dmi2.com/  
> and I clicked on online catalog and then CRF
> (chronic
> renal failure) customers and then CRF products and I
> was there.  I ordered one Abbott lactated ringer bag
> for $2, an Abbott IV set/venal set for $2.99, a 100
> ct. of needles (4 varieties of guages to choose
> from)
> for $7.50, and another lactated ringer/IV tubing set
> with 2 needles for $3.95 (it was cheaper to do this
> than order 2 bags and 2 IV sets).  This totalled
> about
> $16.00, which I thought was great.  Shipping was
> another $7, and handling another $7, so after all
> was
> said and done, I still spent $30, but I have a whole
> bunch of needles, 2 bags, and 2 IV sets for what I
> would have paid for 1 set.  So I think I did ok.  He
> said it should arrive in about 2 days via UPS
> ground. 
> I did have to have my vet fax over an Rx to their
> 800
> fax number, which was a pain because that's not my
> vet's "usual procedure", and I am still waiting to
> hear if he will, but if not, I'm sure something will
> be worked out.  Anyway, thanks to everyone for all
> your help with Stretch and I am feeling pretty
> confident about doing this.  I hope she feels so
> much
> better after the first fluid.  My nephew will
> probably
> freak out because he hates needles, but after he
> sees
> me do it, and sees the cat is ok, he'll be fine. 
> Stretch was found outside playing with her sister
> when
> my nephew got off the bus yesterday, and hasn't been
> lying around like she was, and has been eating a
> little, so I know she is feeling better.  Her
> breathing is still somewhat labored, but for now she
> is stable, thank goodness.
> Thanks again so much,
> :)
> Wendy
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