I don't have any FeLV cats here now, but I did have a
FeLv kitten for 6 months here, and I started him on
raw immediately.  He came in pretty sick too.  He
eventually went into a foster home with a positive
room, and he was so much happier with company, but
when here, he ate that raw like there was no tomorrow,
and he had a very excellent coat.  Never had a problem
with t he raw with him at all.  

I also had an FIV cat who was symptomatic when I
trapped him - 8 yrs old, horrible
gingivitis/stomatitis - starving but screamed when he
ate.  I fed him raw, sometimes off my fingers, and
treated him with homeopathy  before he finally
succumbed to cancer 2 yrs later.  But those 2 yrs were
so perfect, and for the most part, he was very
comfortable and very active.  

Before all that, I had an old girl I fostered.  Little
thing, bad temperment, in CRF.  I took away her dry
food, and fed her a premium, HIGH PROTEIN canned food
and she died years later from cancer, not CRF.  I
didn't think she could take raw food at the time, but
I would not hesitate to feed raw to a cat like her

When I fed raw, I was careful.  I bought the freshest
meat I could find and usually free-range, followed a
diet whether Feline Future, blakkatz, or catnutrition.
 My cats had maybe 1/2 hr to eat it, then all bowls
were picked up, which wasn't a problem because they
all ate it immediately.  No dry food in-between, just
breakfast and dinner.  And hugs between meals.  

No one was fat, everyone had a beautiful coat and good
breath.  Also have one cat with what I think is IBD,
but she never once vomited on raw.  

No kitten diarreah either from all those just-trapped
kittens, and those kittens attacking the raw was
something to be seen!  

Other than that, I'm a long time vegetarian!  But cats
are not. 


--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Thanks for all the info. If that is true about
> stress making the ph higher,  
> then that could be an explanation with Patches. Her
> teeth are hurting her  
> terribly (so much she is on narcotic shots twice a
> day until her dental surgery  
> on Wednesday).  I thought it was just a bad
> coincidence that she developed  
> the urinary tract problem at the same time as her
> teeth getting really painful,  
> but maybe the pain from her teeth stressed her so
> much it caused her urine ph 
> to  go up.
> Anyway, we are off on our raw adventure. I hope we
> have good luck with  it.  
> I was nervous about feeding raw because they are
> FeLV+ and some people  who 
> feed raw say not to feed it to cats who are
> immune-compromised.  But a  holistic 
> vet answered someone else's question about this on
> the Best Friends  website 
> and said it is ok and probably immune enhancing, so
> I am trying it. Is  
> Benjamin FeLV+? If not, do you feed raw to your
> FeLV+ cat/s?
> Michelle
> In a message dated 1/8/2006 9:08:28 P.M. Eastern
> Standard Time,  
> I  understand nerves can
> make the Ph higher too and vets = nerves.    I

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