Jen, I did not even know it came in two strengths, so I have no idea. I'm sorry.
In a message dated 1/10/2006 10:08:53 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Michelle--I forgot to ask you about this last time...but when my vet
first gave him the combo shot, she asked what strength the depo was when
you administered it (I guess depo comes in two strenghs and our vet uses
the stronger of the two so she can use less...I guess it stings a
bit!) Ewok got 1/2 mL of dex and 1/4 mL of 40mg/mL depo (I'm
guessing that this concentration of depo is twice as strong as the
weaker concentration...hence, only the 1/4 mL)...any thoughts?


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