If I were you I would offer what she'll take, but try mixing in little bits of what you want her to eat that she's not eating.  I don't think there's been enough time for it to make her sick yet if it's going to.  For that reason I'd keep giving her small amounts at a time.  I wouldn't give her a full meal until you're sure the evo, canned, raw, whatever is not going to make her sick.  That's my 2 cents.
I'd give her what she wants to keep her eating.  Just mix in some of what she wants and some of what you want her to have, and don't give her too much at a time. 
Have you ever heard of doing the 'allergy' diet where you only give one thing for like 3 weeks and then add another item to the diet, and then another, etc.... I read about it when dealing with my ibd cats.  I would try to get her to take as little a variety as possible since you're dealing with ibd.  At least until you figure out what ingredient besides chicken is causing the problem.

Lucy had loose stool for over 2 months, which was helped by pred but only went away completely on a raw diet. She then got constipated this week, about 3 or 4 weeks into the raw diet.  I gave her olive oil, which helped. But now she is refusing to eat her turkey diet, raw or cooked.  She seems disgusted by it.  I was a little surprised she ate it to begin with, as she always used to refuse canned food or cooked chicken and only wanted dry food.  But she liked it at first. Now she is sick of it and will not touch it. Since it is the only thing that controlled her diarrhea, I am a little worried about her not eating it. I tried not giving her anything else and she did not eat for almost a day.  I finally gave her a little bit of canned turkey and rice cat food (no other grains, but has some vegetables-- avoiding chicken because she did not do well on it before), and she ate it yesterday morning, and a little more later in the day.  She ate a handful of EVO dry (no grains, but vegetables) as well and wanted more, but I was afraid to give it to her.  At night she had a normal bowel movement, and none so far today.  So I gave her a little more of the canned food (after trying futilely to get her to eat her raw diet-- she refused to even look at it).
My question is this: Do you think that if she were going to get diarrhea from the canned food and/or the EVO, do you think it would have happened already?  Do you think it is safe to offer her more of it?  Any other suggestions?  I already fasted her for a day last week to get rid of vomiting and she hardly ate day before yesterday because we were battling over the turkey diet, so I do not really want to just not feed her in the hope she will give in and eat it. But I also do not want to start another round of loose stool.  Any suggestions or thoughts are welcome.
I started her on nux vomica last night also.

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