I actually did try sauteeing it in some water and giving her the broth. She has liked that the past few weeks but would not touch it today.  But I think there may be something wrong with this batch of turkey as it was less red than the last batches.
I had not thought to add salt. That is a good idea.  As soon as I get some more meat I will do that. 
P.S. Thanks for the RR suggestion.  She is quite calm, though. Or did you mean I should take it?  :)
In a message dated 1/23/2006 7:12:06 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Re cooking turkey:  Try boiling it.  I'm vegetarian and I hate cooking for the cats but they aren't so...........Try to keep it a little rare.  I don't feed mine turkey for reasons previously mentioned but if it is working for you have at it.  This should also give you a broth that may help.  The last time Kitty went on a hunger strike I got some highly salted ham and boiled a little for her (they sell little bits for biscuits or seasoning here).  I think the odor but, more likely, the salt broke the fast.  Saltines or other salty things help me when I have an upset stomach so I tried that reasoning on her.  Once she had a little bit she felt like eating again and didn't want the really salty ham.  She does like deli ham sometimes.  Again, it seems to settle her stomach.  Her liver is enlarged and pushing on the stomach which isn't helping things at all. 
These are just thoughts.  I hope they help.  I also suggest you try Rescue Remedy.  It has a calming effect which might help. 

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