Thanks to all who have responded so far.  I have pretty much the same thoughts/questions as you have suggested.  Obviously, a factor will also be if his blood test results are satisfactory to be able to go ahead with the dental. 
Unfortunately, a dental vet is not really an option here (rural area) - the nearest one would be probably 2 hrs. away.  I will discuss this with my vet though, because when Casper was going to have to get a canine extracted, we had to take him to a vet 1/2 hr. away because he had the necessary equipment needed to perform such an extraction.  That's when he was diagnosed with CRF, so the surgery couldn't be done.  Quite a while later, that tooth fell out on it's own without any problems.
    I do trust our vet very much.  She does the surgeries at the clinic, and she is more well versed on FelV than the other vets - in fact, she did her thesis on the subject when she was in University/Vet College.
    When Pekoe had Hemobart before, his PCV (HCT) was down to 17% (Normal range 24 - 45%).  After 3 weeks on Doxycycline, it came up to 38%.  When he had the baseline blood work done a month later, it was 41% (Normal range for the different lab was 28 - 49%).
(Pekoe & Angel Digby)

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